First published: 9 July 2022 by GKH; Last update: 11 September 2022, by GKH/CHS
Food for Thought: Statistics
People who dream of remote work often imagine themselves lying somewhere on a beach with a laptop - earning good income from computer coding, designing websites, writing books, investing on the stock market or some other cool job. The reality, however, is usually quite different. Nice beaches may be good for sun-bathing or surfing, but are usually lousy work environments. Tropical countries may have high recreation value, but perhaps a poor internet connection. The dream job in the sun may turn out to be a torture in sweltering heat. Ultra-low-tax countries may have rather poor health facilities and crumbling infrastructure. The relaxed island may turn out to be a hotspot of narcotics traffiking. And the hyped international city may actually be a nightmare because of rampand street crime. Some of the best places to live and work are actually not where you might think - but in relatively unspectacular, even boring countries around the world. The following tables and charts might give you some food for thought before you decide where to move abroad for remote work.
Human Happiness Report
Source: The World Happiness Report. By John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Lara B. Aknin, and Shun Wang. New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2022
Post-2010 Tax Havens
Source: Downloaded: July 11, 2022