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First published: 9 July 2022 by GKH;
Last update: 27 January 2023, by GKH/CHS


Are you an entrepreneur or startup enthusiast looking for the next big thing? Our curated list of links offers access to hundreds of hot startups in Europe, including IT startups and the most successful startups in Austria. Whether you're searching for a new business opportunity or simply want to stay informed on the latest trends, our resources have got you covered. From startup help and networking events to funding opportunities and mentorship programs, we provide all the tools and information you need to take your startup to the next level. Don't miss out on the latest and greatest in the European startup scene, check out our list today!


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Apple AirTag
Keep track of everything!

Apple AirTag. Precision Finding with Ultra Wideband technology. All communication with the Find My network is anonymous and encrypted for privacy.

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Organic Green Tea Bags
Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO tea.

100 Tea Bags. Organic Chinese Green Tea. Eco-Conscious Tea Bags free of dyes, adhesive, glue and bleach. Filled in California.

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3D Printer
Perfect for prototyping and play figure design.

Creality Ender 3: 3D Printer; Fully Open Source with Resume Printing Function DIY; Printing Size 8.66 x 8.66 x 9.84 inch.

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